Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cooking Hardware You Need for Cooking in a Hunting Trip

            Preparing dishes on bowhunting trips are always enjoyable. Not to mention that the dishes will taste even better because of the game’s freshness as it is cooked. An obvious requirement to do this is to bring the proper cooking wares on the trip. Also, the wares required are dependent on what kind of dish you are planning to prepare.

Primary Wares:

1. Skillet

            A skillet is used to sauté, fry, or any simple kind of cooking method. This is a must for most bowhunting trips because this is still sometimes required to prepare dishes along with other cooking wares.

2. Black Pot

            A black pot is a handy cooking ware to bring along, because making stews is fairly easier to prepare than other dishes. Not to mention that the dishes prepared on it may become more filling and more plenty to go around for everyone. Almost any kind of game can be prepared on a black pot.

3. Grill

Grills are the typically preferred cooking wares of most hunters. Grilling games are easy to do and quite quick as well. Other than the fact that it does not involve too many steps to grill games, it can give the cook more time to spend resting or hunting more.


            Any kind of knife on a bowhunting trip is necessary. If the game can’t be cut up properly, then it may be a bit more difficult to cook and prepare. Not to mention that knives will be used to prepare the seasonings used on the dishes. Any kind of knife will do as long as it can cut; there is no need to bring fancy knives.


            No explanations needed here. These tools are tongs, long forks, and spatulas needed to prepare the dishes.

Optional Wares


            While other dishes can be eaten without using utensils, soup-based dishes are just easier to eat with spoons. However, it can be excluded from the things-to-bring list because soup-based dishes can be sipped right out of the bowl.


            A cooler will come in handy on certain occasions. Some hunters will want to bring the game home or some leftovers. Coolers will prolong the freshness of the games. Not to mention that it can keep beverages chilled.

            On bowhunting trips, preparing simple dishes is a better option because there will be more time to hunt. Therefore, there is no need to bring fancy wares along, just simple ones that simple dishes can be cooked in.

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